Protecting your boat from the sun may not seem as important to some boaters, but if you genuinely care for your boat, then you should know that harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun can surely mess up your hull. People sometimes forget that maintaining a boat is more than just checking the battery and engine or motor.
Not only is your boat hull susceptible to damage from the sun but also your vinyl covered seats and any other fabric you might have on your boat.
There are a few simple things that you can do to protect your boat from the sun. Boat covers are the easiest solution when leaving your boat out unused. You can also store your boat somewhere away from the sun; garage or shed will do. Another thing you should use is boat wax, which is a great option when you know you’ll be out on your boat for a while under the scorching sun.
It doesn’t take much to protect your boat, but if you do nothing to prevent the sun’s damage from ruining it, you’ll undoubtedly lower its value by a lot! Covering your boat and applying wax are simple things you can do to keep it in good shape.
Boat wax is one of the many things boat owners should do regardless of sun damage. A good wax will make your boat sparkle and shine, and you’ll be very happy with the results.
Applying Boat Wax
Think of boat wax as sunblock for your boat. Just like the sun harms your skin, it will do the same to your boat. For your next boating trip, after you’ve applied sunblock to your skin, remember to apply boat wax to your hull. Maybe want to apply the wax first, it could take you some time to finish.
You won’t have to wax your boat each time you take it out; a few times per year, depending on how often you use it, it would be just fine to keep your gel coat clean and shiny and protected from the sun’s harmful rays.
Cleaning your boat
The first step to applying wax is to make sure your boat is clean beforehand. Putting wax on a dirty boat is something you should never do! Even if you feel your boat is not very dirty, you should still give it a good scrub and rinse.
Rubbing wax on a dirty boat will make the dirt set in and leave your boat looking dingy and dirty. Not to mention, you’ll have a tough time getting the dirt out after you’ve applied wax over it.
Anyways, to clean your vessel you’ll need a basic marine soap made for scrubbing gel-coated exteriors. You shouldn’t go using any household dish soaps; those are hard on grease and will ruin the shine on your boat after some time.
Add a small amount of marine soap to a bucket of water, measurements will depend on which soap you buy, and with a soft sponge or rag scrub the entire framework of your boat. After you’ve done that, rinse your boat with water and either dry it with a towel or let it dry on its own.
Once the boat is completely clean and dry, you’re ready to add on the wax!
Buying the wax
The second step is buying a wax that’s best for boats. You want to make sure that you get boat wax and not car wax. Some may think it’s fine to apply car wax to your boat, but it’s definitely a bad idea.
A boat’s gel coat is made to be water-resistant and is tougher than automotive paint. Therefore, the wax made for a car’s exterior will not be as strong as the one made for a boat’s. You won’t get the same results using car wax.
With that said, you want to make sure you find boat wax that is especially for sun protection. The wax should be easily labeled with UV protection on it. That way, your boat will be fully protected from harmful UV rays.
Applying the wax to your boat
The third step is finally getting the wax onto your hull. Usually, the boat wax will come with directions on how to apply it, it’s simply wiping down your boat’s surface with a dry washcloth and a little wax for each section.
You can easily cut up a large old towel into smaller rags to use for this. You might need about a dozen or more hand-sized towels; it varies on the size of your boat. You’ll need to keep switching them out when they become full of wax.
Once you’ve got your towels, you can apply a small amount of wax onto it and start buffing small areas at a time. When you start to see a shine, move on to the next small section and continue like this until you’re done.
Boat Guard (optional)
Boat guard is something used to maintain your boat’s shine. All you need to do is spray it on the exterior of your boat and use a dry rag to buff it out. You will need to do this after every boat trip. It will keep your boat clean and shiny after every use.
You can also use it on vinyl in your boat to keep it in good condition. You can spray it on your vinyl seats and floorboards to keep them clean. You can also use it as a cleaner all-around your entire boat. It’s great for removing the dirt and grime that build up when you go fishing.
Boat Covers
Choosing the right boat cover depends on the type of boat you own. There are covers for different boat styles and sizes. Some covers are made for travel, whereas others are made for storage. It also depends on where you’re going to store your boat.
If you’re going to keep your vessel parked on your lawn in a shaded or unshaded spot, a good boat cover would be a full-body cover. A full body cover would protect the entire boat from the sun and rain. Covers not only protect your boat from the sun, but they also protect from other things like mold and accumulated dirt.
If you feel like leaving your boat in the water for a few days, then a top cover would be acceptable in this situation. This will keep your vinyl seats from being exposed to the sun as well as keeping them dry and mold-free from the moisture in the air.
If your boat stays on the water all the time, here is a guide on how to wax your boat on the water.
What Sun Damage Can do to Your Boat
Now that you know how you can protect your boat from sun damage let’s talk about what sun damage can do to your boat. We’ve all seen what sun damage is capable of doing to your skin, with a boat it’s much worse if left untreated.
Leaving your boat out in the sun for long periods can result in very harsh sun damage. The UV rays can dry out the gel coat on your boat, leaving it chalky, dull, and sometimes cracked. Cracks in your boat can worsen over time, causing internal problems, considering where they’re located.
Unlike a car, a boat is more susceptible to damage because it’s constantly in the water. This dries out the paint and polish of the exterior and can make your boat look very old and dingy.
Your vinyl seats aren’t safe from the sun either. When it comes to vinyl, the sun can completely damage it to where they have to be restored or reupholstered. To protect your seats, make sure you’re using a boat cover or storing your boat somewhere shaded.
How to Protect Your Boat Seats from the Sun
Boat seats are made from vinyl, which is a durable material made to handle tough conditions. They are used widely in boats due to them being waterproof. Vinyl is durable, but that doesn’t mean that it’s able to endure the harsh UV rays from the sun.
If left out in the sun too long, vinyl seats can lose their color and shine. They can even begin to crack, which makes them super uncomfortable to sit on. Not to mention, leaving your boat seats out in the sun all day can make them extremely hot!
A quick solution would be to cover the top part of your boat. You can either use a boat cover or any thick plastic material, such as a swimming pool cover or something similar. If you don’t have something that big to cover your entire boat, you could always only cover your boat seats. Boat seat covers are inexpensive and easy to haul around.
Another easy solution would be to apply a protectant, like wax. Vinyl protectants condition your seats and work almost like a wax cover. They are straightforward and easy to apply. All you have to do is spray the product over your seats and rub it in with a small, dry dishcloth. Give it some time to soak into the seat before sitting.
As mentioned before, make sure to clean any surface before applying wax. This goes for your seats, as well. Some dish soap and water will do the trick. Wipe it on the seats with a rag and rinse off. Be sure not to use any harsh cleaning products on your seats. I’ve seen people using bleach on their white vinyl seats to get out marks and scuffs. This is a bad idea and will cause your vinyl to dry out worse than the sun can!!
How to Repair A Boat That’s Been Sun Damaged
Sometimes we become too busy to maintain the gel coat of our boat. With all the other maintenance a boat comes with, I can understand why. Or maybe you’re in a situation where you bought a boat for cheap because of the sun damage that covered it. If you fall into either of these categories, don’t worry, there is a way to get that hull shining again.
Just as I stated above on applying wax, you need to clean your boat before starting the repair process entirely. When your boat is clean and dry, you’ll then need to polish it. You can either polish by hand with a dry rag or use a polishing machine that will get the work done in half the time.
When using a polishing machine, you need to be very careful. There are two different machines, one being more powerful than the other. Variable speed circular polishers are bigger and faster; they can get a lot more done in a little amount of time, but if you don’t know how to use one, you can completely remove the gel coat, leaving the boat bare.
The other machine is a random orbital polisher. This one is best for people who aren’t experienced in using polishing machines. It’s easier to use, but it will take longer than the latter. Either one you choose will be quicker and more efficient than polishing by hand.
Polishing your hull will restore the color and get rid of the chalky feeling, leaving it smooth. After polishing, you’ll need wax to give your boat a nice glow. With the polish and wax done, you should have yourself a nice looking boat.
Hopefully, if you follow the tips mentioned in this post, you won’t need to worry about repairing your boat due to damage from the sun. And if you’re the type of person who doesn’t care about the exterior of your boat, you’ll find yourself regretful once you decide to sell it. Your boat is a huge investment, so you should invest a little time into it now and then to keep it looking brand new.