Life jackets are one of the most critical pieces of safety devices on your boat. This simple device is designed to keep you afloat when, for whatever reason, you can’t stay afloat by yourself. A lot of them are designed to turn your face up. This works great if you are unconscious with your face in the water. The main problem with life jackets is that unlike other safety devices, life jackets or PFD (personal floating devices) don’t work if you don’t wear them.
It is a smart idea for you and anybody on your boat to learn how to put on a life jacket on the water. If you or someone in your crew falls overboard to the water without a life jacket, you are swimming and cramp up all of a sudden or many other possible situations, a life jacket can be thrown to the person in the water. That person will be able to put it on.
Learning this simple trick could be the difference between just an accident and a life-changing situation. Here is how to put on a life jacket in the water.
- Spread the device open with the inside facing up to the sky.
- Rotate the device until you are looking at the neck opening.
- Extend both arms through the arm openings.
- Lift arms over your head and let the jacket fall in place.
- Accommodate the device around the upper body.
- Fasten the life jacket snugly to your body
Now that you know this trick put it to the test. Believe me, if you haven’t tried to put on a life jacket in the water before, it is difficult. It will take you a few tries before you get it. The best thing to do is to try to keep calm and remember the steps you learned here.
Next time you are on the water, take a few minutes and try to master the technique. You can even make a game of it and compete with your family or friends for who can get it on fastest. This way, if you ever need it, you’ll be ready and know what to do.
Knowing how to put on a PFD on the water are just some of the information. There is a lot more to know about life jackets, and we want to share with you all that we have learned through the years and through some real-life experiences we have had on the water.
5 Reasons to Wear A Life Jacket
I’m sure you can come up with a bunch of reasons not to wear a life jacket. I just to be the same way. Let me explain it this way, the fact that your vehicle comes equipped from the factory with a seat belt doesn’t protect you in case of an accident. If you don’t wear your seatbelt, there is nothing it can do for you. The same is true with a life jacket if you don’t wear it can’t do anything for you either.
I’m not saying that now you have to wear your life jacket 24/7 when near water. All I am trying to say is that life jackets should always be kept handy and be worn more often. Let me give you 6 good reasons to wear them.
1- It doesn’t work if you don’t wear it- It doesn’t matter what kind or how many life jackets are available on your boat. If you don’t have it on, it can’t do anything for you. Accidents happen too fast, and for too many reasons, by the time you or someone else realize that you need a life jacket, it could be too late. Not to mention that you could be unconscious and unable to do anything.
2- You are a safe boater- If you are a safe boater, let me congratulate you!! We need more safe boaters like you in the water, but unfortunately, we have a lot of irresponsible boaters around. The fact is that you can control your boat, but you have no control over the other boats around you. This is why you and your crew need to be ready for the unexpected.
3- You are a good swimmer- Your swimming skills are not for debate here, the idea that if anything were to happen, you are going to be able to swim to safety successfully is not real. Depending on where you boat, it is possible that you are a couple thousand feet to a couple hundred miles from shore. It will be tough to swim to safety that long, not to mention that you could possibly be hurt and unable to swim.
4- Helping someone else- If you find yourself in a situation where you need to help and or rescue someone. It will be so much easier and faster if you are ready to go and not trying to find your live best all-around your boat. If you have your life jacket on, you don’t have to worry about it and can get on with helping the person in need.
5- Life jackets save lives- This is perhaps the most important reason. I want to be very clear with this reason, wearing your life jacket could be the difference between life and death.
6- Setting a good example- Every time I’m on the water with my kids, I try to teach them good habits. I would love for them to grow up and keep boating in their lives. If you show them these good habits now, when they are on their own chances are they are going to continue with these good habits.
The same applies if your boat with other family and friends, show everyone that comes on your boat good habits and hopefully they’ll stick.
Life Jacket Statistics
The U.S. coast guard compiles and publishes statistics on reported recreational boating accidents every year. This statistic includes data reported from all fifty states, five U.S. territories and the District of Columbia
The table below shows the latest 2018 report, and you can clearly see that your chances of survival after an accident increase tremendously when wearing a life jacket.
Cause Of Death | Life Jacket Worn | No Life Jacket Worn | Unknown |
Carbon monoxide | 3 | 4 | 1 |
Cardiac arrest | 6 | 10 | 0 |
Drowning | 69 | 356 | 24 |
Hypothermia | 8 | 5 | 0 |
Other | 1 | 1 | 0 |
Trauma | 37 | 55 | 5 |
Unknown | 6 | 30 | 12 |
Related Topics and questions
U.S. Coast Guard Life Jacket Regulations
All recreational vessels must carry one wearable life jacket for each person on board. Any boats 16 feet and longer (except canoes and kayaks) must also carry one throwable (Type IV) device. While not mandatory, the U.S. Coast Guard recommends that you always wear a life jacket while underway on your boat and require your passengers to do the same.
Life jackets must be:
- In good and serviceable condition
- Properly stowed and easy to find
- U.S. Coast Guard approved (find this on the label)
- Appropriate size and type for the intended user
How old do you have to be not to wear a life vest? On a vessel that is underway, kids below the age of 13 must wear an appropriate U.S. Coast Guard approved life jacket. The only 2 exceptions are if the kid is below the deck or within an enclosed cabin.
In case that a state has established different regulations for when the kid must wear a life jacket, that requirement will be applicable to that state jurisdiction’s waters.
Are dogs required to wear life jackets on boats? It depends, most dogs are naturally good swimmers but not all of them. It depends on the breed, size, and age, among other factors. Although not required it might be a good idea to equip your best friend with a life jacket.