Water Sports
This is the obvious one but still a super fun activity for kids and adults. You can go the easy route and get into tubing witch basically consist of pulling a tube or raft behind your boat (kids love big tubes or rafts were they can bring other kids). Here is a link to a bunch of different towable on amazon
If you seek something more challenging, try wakeboarding, water ski, or keyboarding. All of these are super fun sports once you learn how to do it. Here is some information about wakeboarding behind a bowrider.
Our kids love snorkeling around reefs to enjoy the beautiful underwater marine life. This is a fun yet straightforward activity to do with family and friends.

Another activity my family enjoys a lot is fishing (my kids, especially). We usually turn it into a competition and always have a lot of fun. It doesn’t meter what kind of boat you have as you can fish from any boat (more info here). Just bring your rods, bait and maybe a grill to cook the catch of the day and you are set for a fun day on the water
Teach Your Kids How To Drive The Boat.
Always follow your state laws and regulations. Teaching your kids how to operate a boat can be not only fun but also helpful. I always enjoy the time teaching my kids how to drive the boat. Now that we have been boating for a while, they are no longer just my kids on the boat, now they are dad’s co-captains and are very helpful on the boat.
Night Boating
Boating at night can b an enjoyable and relaxing experience (when done right). You can find a spot and watch the sunset with your loved ones, practice night fishing, or enjoy the stars right above you. There is no better place to watch the stars than your own boat on the water. You can even download an app on your phone and try to identify the stars.
Bring Your Dog

If you have a little 4 legged friend, bring it along! Most dogs love going on boat rides. You can find yourself a little sand bar and just have fun watching your little friend run around chasing birds. Here is more info about bringing pets on your boat.
Do Absolutely Nothing
Yes, you read that right, try it just do nothing relax and enjoy the water. You don’t have to plan a bunch of activities every time you take your boat out. Simply go out trow the anchor and relax sipping on your cold beverage of preference. Believe me, at the end of the day, you are going to feel so relaxed and recharged.
Go On Adventures
This is one of my favorites. We are always looking for new places to explore on our boat. You can go on river runs and enjoy the nature, find boat wrecks or plane wrecks to snorkel around, a good dock and dine restaurants or even take your boat to the Bahamas (info about boating to the Bahamas). All of these activities are fun and bring the family together. Before each adventure, we, as a family, spend a lot of time researching and sharing our findings and ideas with each other.

I want to confess that I have no balance and haven’t mastered this activity, but my kids love it. We got a couple of inflatable paddleboards (link to amazon), and when we find a good spot, pull them out, and the kids have a blast paddling around.

This one is fun, relaxing, and yummy. Yes, you can grill on your boat, here is more information about it. To me, there is nothing more relaxing than throwing the anchor on a nice spot, setting up the grill and throw a couple of stakes on it. There is something about the smell of grilling meat combined with the scent of the beach that makes grilling on my boat feel like heaven.